So, I have been introspective for the past couple weeks and have been checking my life to see things that are holding me back. The first thing I decided to handle was laziness. Not laziness as in staying home all day without going to work or just being a bum but more of doing things when they are to be done and not putting them off for later.
I started off with work and decided to give it all I got and avoid all the unnecessary distractions e.g. facebook. I was so determined that the first thing that came to mind when I woke up was I was not allowed to be lazy. Interestingly enough, the week I worked the hardest was the week I was also able to get a lot done in terms of photography. I went shooting at a Jazz club, skate park and Old Town Alexandria. Removing all these elements that CONTRA-dict what I want to stand for is definitely the way to go.
Enjoy the pix!

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