Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Bday Zhaun!

So, it was Zhaun's bday a couple weeks ago. Apart from the fact that this was another opportunity for me to take as many pictures as possible, this was a time for me to count my blessings. Zhaun's parents moved to DC a couple of yrs ago. I see the family almost every week but it is hard to tell how much the kids are growing. I remember when all Zhaun could say was "Ka (car)"...He is now a big boy and it's a thing of joy to me. Many more yrs Zhaun! I'll be at your 21st bday party taking pictures and telling stories.
Enjoy the pix!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Glass Guy

So, I was in Old Town Alexandria a couple weknds ago. I parked around 2 miles from the waterfront. I had planned on taking the trolley but my timing was off so I got to walk all the way. How nice...taking pictures and working out!
Anyways, I saw this glass orchestra guy(older guy) playing motzart with wine glasses that were partially filled with distilled water. It sounded out of this world. The gentleman apparently was a guest on NBC's Johny Carson's late night show to show his skills. I wish I had my point and shoot to record audio.
Note to self: keep don't know what u'll come accross.
Enjoy the pix!